Appalachian Partnership
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Approved by Board of Directors: November 2014
SECU Foundation awarded Appalachian State University (ASU) a grant in support of the Appalachian Partnership, a rural teacher education scholarship program. Modeled after the Partnership East program at East Carolina University, the Appalachian Partnership program builds upon existing programs that support college access, transfers from two-year to four-year programs, and that recruit for teacher education, all with a goal for graduates to teach in their local communities. Eligible students graduate with a four-year teaching degree from Appalachian State University’s Reich College of Education by completing the first two years of coursework at regional community colleges then transferring into an Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, or Special Education program for coursework at one of ten North Carolina community colleges through ASU’s partnering program, The Appalachian Learning Alliance.
SECU Foundation funding supports scholarships to assist Appalachian Partnership students in their junior and senior years of coursework study, internship and student teaching.