SECU Daily Planet - NC Museum of Natural Sciences
Project Focus Area:
Education Icon
Approved by Board of Directors: November 2009
SECU Foundation partnered with the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences to provide a grant for the Museum’s centerpiece of the Nature Research Center (NRC). SECU Daily Planet is a three-story multimedia program area that employs unique audio and visual technologies to provide a rich backdrop for live presentations on key environmental issues and recent discoveries. It also offers live broadcast programs via television and radio, courtesy of the NRC’s partnership with WRAL (CBS affiliate), UNC-TV (PBS affiliate), UNC public radio and a membership with ResearchChannel. The Museum also established a partnership with MCNC, an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced networking technologies and systems to improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina’s K-20 education community. North Carolina Research and Education Network will connect to every elementary, middle and high school in the state, facilitating the delivery of the Nature Research Center distance learning programs for students, particularly in remote, rural areas considered underserved.